Despite improvements in Cambodia’s education system – due largely to reforms and increased government spending since 2001 – significant challenges remain, in particular a lack of access and the low… read more →
EMC does a lot of research in various aspects of economic competitiveness and in particular trade. This report by World Bank, published in 2014, draws on formative research completed by… read more →
Sanitation microfinance has the potential to sustainably improve access to sanitation. Previous studies have shown significant increases in latrine purchases and willingness to pay, when households had access to appropriate microfinance… read more →
Many small to medium-size enterprises do not have the minimum economies of scale to be competitive and to increase exports, as they cannot afford to add additional demand on their… read more →
Increased access to diverse financial services can enable the poor and the vulnerable to devote more resources to their crops, develop protective measures against shocks, and gain access to markets,… read more →
NRG Solutions is developing an innovative business model to provide affordable solar technology to the rural Cambodian market. EME is pleased to announce that NRG Solutions has been accepted into… read more →