A thorough market assessment is important – for firms and development partners alike – before launching any new product, service or campaign. In 2014, GERES’ StovePlus Programme officially launched their… read more →
In 2015, the Ministry of Commerce launched the MOC 101 Incubator, to showcase Cambodia’s budding entrepreneurs—their best ideas and start-up businesses. During the following months and successive rounds of competition,… read more →
Cambodia sits in a dynamic region (sandwiched between the economies of Thailand and Vietnam) and its best hope for improving livelihoods is to integrate further into the dynamic ASEAN region.… read more →
The Joint Country Portfolio Performance Review (JCPPR) is a collaborative review of World Bank and ADB in-country portfolios. The purpose is to coordinate their activities and represent a coordinated approach to… read more →
The growth of ASEAN in the global economy represents a great opportunity for Lao, and other lower income economies. ASEAN boasts world class universities to develop new products, educated and… read more →
In 2014 EMC hosted the inaugural meeting of SEAC (the Solar Energy Association of Cambodia). The association hopes to promotes increased use of solar energy in Cambodia, through policy advocacy, awareness… read more →
Will AEC help labour shortages in Lao PDR? We often hear that the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) will free up the movement of labour between ASEAN countries. This, we are… read more →
EMC does a lot of research in various aspects of economic competitiveness and in particular trade. This report by World Bank, published in 2014, draws on formative research completed by… read more →
This supply chain study is a formative quantitative and qualitative research of consumer and supply chain analysis for rural sanitation. The intention is to diagnose at a very detailed level… read more →